December 7, 2010

When Dads Offer To Help . . .

Last night was cold.  Cold and crazy.  It was Monday, which meant I was rushing to craft a healthy dinner and hoping to fit in a quality Family Home Evening that would further cement in the minds of my children that this season is about Jesus and his birth, not just Santa and getting massive quantities of presents. Yeah, I know, lofty goals.

The Hubby swooped in at the eleventh hour. In an effort to get to the point where FHE was possible, he offered to be the man on The Get Ollie To Bed Routine.  It’s pretty simple, really.  Wipe the dinner carnage off his face, change his diaper, get him into some warm footy pajamas, turn on his nightlight and white noise, then sing a couple of songs while rocking him in the rocking chair. Add a pacifier and a blanket in the crib and he’s usually got heavy eyelids and sweet baby dreams on the brain. Works like a charm and the boy goes to bed without any issue nine times out of ten.

Last night was the one time in ten he didn’t.

The rest of us were gathered in front of the fire talking about the role of the shepherds on the night of Christ’s birth.  Suddenly The Hubby jumped up and said, “Ollie’s crying”.  He went to check on him, came back down and said, “He’s really not happy, but I think I know why. You should come up and see.”

We all rushed upstairs and this is what we found waiting for us:


Yes, The Hubby had in fact put Ollie to bed in a Halloween costume.  His comment was, “I don’t think he likes sleeping on the tail.  Or maybe it’s having his hands in the mittens.”

We all had a good laugh, including Ollie who was so happy to see us all gathered together in his room.  Then The Hubby admitted that since there were no pajamas in the drawer, he’d just used what he could find {instead of coming to the laundry room for a clean pair of PJs}.

Once Ollie was in the right attire, he drifted off to sleep easily and we carried on with our FHE.

Thanks for helping out Hubby.  It was worth it.


Aiketa said...

That made me LOL! Thanks for that!!
And I must admit that Owlie looks adorable in that Halloween costume.

And the comment: “I don’t think he likes sleeping on the tail. Or maybe it’s having his hands in the mittens.” Hillarous!

Thanks for the laugh!

TracieCarter said...

AWESOME!!! Often, seeing what dads will come up with is half the fun of asking them for help!

The Queen Vee said...

Dad's love nothing better than solving a problem even if the solution causes another one. Owlet did not want to be a Dino last night so he roared into action. I'm still laughing, thanx Hubby for making the morning a happy one.

Kernal Ken said...

Looks to me like the Owlie decided that he didn't want the "Hawk Look" of his uncle. Jus sayin...

The Nerd Mom said...

I can totally see my husband doing something like that! LOL!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

That is hilarious. And a very cute costume!!

Apis Melliflora said...
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Apis Melliflora said...

Dads have a way with just about everything.

MelancholySmile said...

I love seeing the way a dad's mind works. :)

Tobi said...

I love the look on Ollie's face. He is so adorably distressed.

jd said...


and that was PERFECT timing, where you placed the photo... I scrolled down at just the right moment. Ohhhh, him. LOVE IT!!

Bells said...

I giggled so much when I read this post and I had to run and tell my husband the story.