November 16, 2010

Thoughts Weighing . . .


Twenty-seven pounds on one’s back can get heavy after a lot of walking.  That’s the thought that kept weighing on my mind as Ollie weighed on my back last week when I took Jennie to Great Falls. 

At first he was fine and almost weightless on my back.  But the longer we walked, the more I felt the strain in my shoulders and neck.  Combine that with the fact that we were navigating narrow passes and steep rocks, and I felt that each step I took had to be measured carefully and executed with intense precision in order to reach the beautiful view at the top.

By the end of our little trip, I was worn out. Glad I’d done it, but worn out nevertheless. Jennie had to help me retrieve my infant from his little carrying cocoon because I just couldn’t do it alone. I was very grateful she was there.


We are not meant to walk the rocky road of this life alone with burdens that weigh on us and wear on our souls.  I continually marvel at a loving Creator who has put a true and constant friends, devoted family, a selfless husband and a perfect Savior in my path to help me on my way.  At times they simple walk beside me reminding me that I can continue on my journey.  Other times they physically and emotionally bear the weight of my load making it so light I can barely even remember it is there.

It is remarkable to look back on some of the narrow passes and steep rocks I have navigated thus far in my life and revel in the gratitude I feel for their difficulty.  At the time, each trial seemed to get heavier and more pronounced. There have been times I was sure I could not bear it.  I felt defeated and deflated and the end seemed nowhere in sight.

But always, with help from those meant to be my life’s companions, I’ve found my way through the difficulty to the view at the end. And it is beautiful.

I am grateful for thoughts weighing.



Tobi said...

Often when we are in the midst of a trial it's the hardest for us to see our way out.

I'm grateful for this post and for your insight.

christy said...

Your words are so true. I've been feeling so grateful for help through this recent time of transition for us.

And, by the way, you look about 22 years old in both those pictures. Love the hair.

Anne said...

I am loving your sunglasses. May I ask where you got them?

The Dragonfly said...

Thanks Anne! The glasses are Mossimo for Target - a whopping $16.99. I think I'm going to go buy myself another pair in gold.

Apis Melliflora said...

Jennie helped you and I'm sure you returned the favor. It is so good to know that we're not alone in life, especially in the midst of our trials and moments of weakness.

Only $16.99? Tempting.

Anne said...

Thanks for the tip. I might just have to make a trip to Target tonight!