November 4, 2010

Some Days . . .

Upon us all a little rain must fall...

Image by Kozumel via flickr

Some days I wake up with a pounding headache because my baby was up all night with new teeth and I have a head cold coming on.

Some days it rains.  Even after it rained all night.  And it is supposed to rain all day.  And even though I love the rain, I think to myself, “Why today?”

Some days I have laundry and bathrooms and floors and well, a whole house to clean, really, because I have a very special guest coming to spend the night. But my head is pounding. And with each thump of my brain, I swear I hear the toilets laughing at me.

Some days the thought of shopping for, preparing and actually cooking one more meal is enough to drive me to drink . . . a very large Dr. Pepper.

Some days my really cute baby, who does really cute things and makes really cute noises, pushes me to my limits with his endless undoing of all that I’m trying to get done.  Granted, even his undoing is cute. But still.

Some days I just want to crawl back under my very warm covers and stay there.  With my fuzzy socks and fleece pajamas on. And an eye mask to block the light. And ear plugs to block the sound.

Some days I want to get a megaphone and climb up on to my roof to shout, “No, I cannot be all things to all people!  I cannot make three dozen cookies for the Scout meeting, clean my whole house, be the homework nazi, change the poopy {and oh-so-wiggly} infant, AND make a wholesome dinner for a family of six while maintaining my cool!

Can you tell that today is one of those ‘some days’?

There, I feel better now.


Emily said...

Oh, I can so relate! Hope you have a good one!

liz said...

I love reading your blog, because we are at almost exactly identical points of motherhood -- kids from diapers to middle school. And it stretches you so thin some days. I remember having a couple of little toddlers/preschoolers years ago and wondering what to do all day -- that would never happen now, would it? Hope your day gets better!

The Queen Vee said...

Skip cleaning the whole house, the guest doesn't care. Buy the cookies, order pizza for dinner or buy a roasted chicken.....maybe the guest should stay here so that you can get to bed early....what do you think?

christy said...

Amen, sister. I had one of those exact mornings except mine included a crying five year old who almost missed the bus and only made it because her 10 year old sister piggy-backed her through the neighbor's yard to catch it at the next stop. Your post summed up my feelings almost exactly.

Apis Melliflora said...

I'll crawl into the covers with you and hear all about it soon. The Queen is right about the rest.

But I've been feeling overwhelmed and out of synch of late too. Coming to see you is me pushing "pause."

TracieCarter said...

Ahhh, parallel lives except you do yours with so much beautiful flair! Thank goodness it's only a day and it too passes. We overwhelm so easily with all that is expected of us by ourselves and others, it's amazing we're still standing most days :) You are so, so loved regardless of the cookies, state of the toilets, and meals. Take care of yourself now so there's more to go around on the upswing :) Love you!

MelancholySmile said...

Oh, I feel your pain! Hope tomorrow isn't one of those days.

jd said...

Blame it on the rain. That's what Milli Vanilli did, and they weren't wrong. Well, they turned out to be liars/deceivers, but still-- "you've got to blame it on something... blame it on the rain."

(I love rain. I wish it were raining here right now instead of torturing us with 90-degree heat. Because when there's emotional rain in my life, a little comforting rain actually helps...)

see you soon :)

NovelTeaMommy said...

: ) It's one thing to "know" you aren't alone in your feelings, but it's another to read about others experiencing it too. Therapy for us both, so thanks! Don't migraines/head colds ALWAYS come at the worst possible time? I don't think I've ever gotten one when I said, oh, it's okay if I check out for the next 12 hrs to feel better!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

Yeah, skip the toilets? Your guest will probably not even notice!

And I am in DC right now for a meeting and I agree that today has been kind of dreary. But at least it is not snowing!! :)

Tobi said...

I think it's perfectly acceptable to admit that you can't to do it all. It doesn't mean that you are failing or disappointing anyone. It means you are a real human being. Who needs more sleep!

Don't make cookies for the Boy Scouts. Go to the store and buy them half a dozen boxes of Oreo's and call it good.

squeezeme said...

Hang in there.....I hope tomorrow's forecast is sunny!