November 22, 2010

Going Home . . .

Today I will be going home. I have been away from my family for five whole days. I have had an amazing time with my six Lee sisters. I have been inspired, uplifted and joyful. But I am longing for home.

I go to sleep at night missing my prayers with Hubby and the way he warms my cold toes. I wake up in the morning wanting to run in and grab my wee one, drink in his baby scent and touch his soft hair. I feel lost having not kissed small heads at night and scooted the same heads out the door in the morning. I am always grateful for time away because it makes me realize that time together is what is meant to be for my life.

Secretly I always fear that while I'm away they did perfectly fine without me. That maybe I'm not as crucial to their lives as they are to mine. That my perfectly capable Hubby really can do it all without me and that my job as mom, wife and CEO of the home is obsolete. It's silly, I know, but I still think it.

Tonight I will get home at midnight. Everyone will be deep in the thickness of winter sleep. I will go kiss heads, pull up covers and turn off night lights. And then I will snuggle my Hubby and be glad to be home.

1 comment:

The Queen Vee said...

They miss you. I've been letting them do all the things you don't let them do like play Wii all day and eat pretzels and popcorn for lunch. Better get back and save them from the evil Queen.