November 2, 2010

An Art Party How To . . .


What do you do when your life is overwhelmed by a play involving costumes and a holiday involving costumes and your daughter’s birthday sneaks up on you?

You throw a very spur-of-the-moment Art Party! {thanks for the idea, Melancholy Smile}

Hannie B. turned eleven yesterday.  Wow. Eleven.

We invited four close friends over because four was all I could handle.  And four meant we could do some fun things that weren’t too cheap.

We started out by crafting a photo frame with each girl’s initial.  It was a multi-step process that took an hour and involved cutting paper, painting letters, modge podging, sanding, bedazzling and hot gluing.  It was serious crafting which meant the girls loved it. 



Next everyone got to create their own pizzas. We paired the pizzas with healthy snacks in the colors of the color wheel.  The placemats were made of drawing paper and the table was decked out with pencils, crayons and markers. Creative lunch is fun!


We spent about a half hour in the basement playing Pictionary on the chalkboard.  It had us all in fits of giggles. Then we came upstairs for ‘The Bendaroos Challenge’.


I drew a slip of paper out of a hat with a category on it and announced it to the girls.  They then had three minutes to craft something from that category out of Bendaroos.


This game was so fun! The girls worked hard and came up with some amazing creations. After we had done all the categories {sea creature, four legged animals, something with wheels, something that can fly, etc.} the girls got to take the Bendaroos home.

To end the party, we opened presents, sang Happy Birthday to Hannie B. and ate Color Wheel cupcakes.  Yum.


So don’t be overwhelmed by the thought of a birthday party.  This one was planned in about two days.  The key is a small number of guests, a few really great activities and of course FOOD. 

Happy Birthday you funny, sweet, artistic, dramatic girl.  We love you!


Apis Melliflora said...

Your impromptu party was so pretty and fun. The frame is definitely the show stopper! I also love the cupcake idea (what with all that H. candy still in the house). Excellent par-tay!

Suzanne C said...

what a cool idea! I will have to file that away for about 8 years down the road!

We are FAM-I-LEE said...

Love the ideas! Thanks. Sounds like a great theme for my to-be 9 year old!

Emily said...

Great Idea for a party! What are bendaroos? I must live under a rock.

Aiketa said...

Happy Birthday Hannah!
You're fantastic planning parties Samantha! It must have been a great birthday party for Hannah.

The Queen Vee said...

The Birthday Girl seemed pretty pleased with her celebration. Clever ideas, lots of great color and the use of a hot glue gun =happy young girls.

Burton's blog said...

Sounds like it was a lot of fun! I am convinced that you can accomplish more in a day than I can in a week! You are really amazing.

Tobi said...

Wow! Fantastic birthday party! I hope your kids realize that you really are the coolest Mom. My idea of a fun birthday party is letting the kids decorate their own cupcake. The end.

I'm glad Hannah had such a great birthday!