July 13, 2010

What Little Boys Are Made Of . . .

While Hannie B. was at art camp last week we took our boys on a little trail hike and picnic.  It was weird {but great} to be out with just the guys.  Here are some things I loved about our outing:

I loved watching Owlie drink pink lemonade for the first time.  He puckered his little face up and then said “mmm”.  My thoughts exactly.IMG_6504

I loved seeing the Hubby and Owlie together.  They are true buddies.  It really makes me happy that Mr. Owlie is looking more like his daddy every day.IMG_6506

I loved seeing my boys get all excited when their dad picked up this crawfish from the stream we passed.  I loved it even more that the crawfish pinched their dad’s finger, thus upping his coolness factor and solidifying their opinions that he is one tough dad!


I loved walking behind my boys in their matching plaid shorts, thinking about how tall Big C is getting and how he used to sit on his dad’s shoulders like the Owlie is now {excuse me while I go wipe a tear from my eye.}


And then I loved this kid – the one who holds my heart in his hand – who’s so secure in his masculinity that on our boy filled outing, he willingly carried my purse and pulled it off with total panache! RedDog, you are a gem and I’m keeping you with me forever.


The all boy {and a mom} picnic was a success.  Hannie B. was upset that we went without her, so we didn’t cross it off our summer list.  Picnic #2 still to come . . .


The Queen Vee said...

Those boys are like graduated stair steps. Lucky you to picnic with 4 such handsome fellows.

Apis Melliflora said...

Ah, the sweetness of the older, the middle and the younger and the super dad who is their role model. There's something special about boys and their daddy.