July 16, 2010

Three Hundred Sixty-five Days . . .


… ago this little boy stole the show.  Since then, he’s made our lives richer.  He’s brought smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes.  He is happy, bright and full of joy. And we’re so glad he decided to come be a part of our family.  Happy Birthday little Owlie. 


ps.  Please be a gem and behave for your momma on the plane tomorrow.


Aiketa said...

Happy Birthday Owlie!
And be good tomorrow at that plane, just do it for your mom...
Sam, hope you have a great vacation!

Apis Melliflora said...

A year. It's just so hard to believe that a year has passed. We're all in love with him.

Be good on the plane. There'll be lots of ladies to impress. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

I wish the frosting was smeared more on the face, but at least I can see him work on the candle. Happy birthday sweet Ollie! It took some doing to get you here, but worth the wait because you have brought smiles to so many faces.

Have a fab trip to Zion Lee family...

Angela Knoll

Burton's blog said...

Such a cute boy. Wrap him up and keep him little forever. I miss little boys!

The Queen Vee said...

Oh Owlie, you make my heart hoot!

Tobi said...

Owlie I know you can be a good boy for your Mom on the plane. If you can't it's okay. We will still love you anyway. And Happy Birthday!

Aiketa said...

How was Ollie during the flight?
I hope you had a great one...