July 14, 2010

A Quick Fix . . .


Hannie B. was given this cute hat by a friend but was “so over” the Camp Rock pins that were embedded on its front.  We tried everything we could think of to get them off, but man, Disney wanted those Jonas Brothers front and center!  Finally after smashing the buttons with a hammer, we were able to rip out the pins which left these three lovely holes in their wake.

My girl and I agreed that this hat needed a flower to make it cute again, so I grabbed some fabric from my stash of remnants and using this idea, whipped up a rough edged bloom:IMG_6570

Yep, flowers make everything better.  Don’t believe me?  Just look:



The Queen Vee said...

Repurposing at it's best, Hannie B you are one styling chick thanks to your momma's hammer, nimble fingers and a whole lot of inspiration.

Kasey said...

way to go Mom! Clever and cute.

Susan said...

Loved the flower on the hat! It definately makes it look great and unique :)

christy said...

Darling! Well done, ladies!

Apis Melliflora said...

I need a flower in my life. Pin me. Hat me. Hairband me. Put me on your flower power list, please!

Tobi said...

Fabulous! I love the re-purposing that is going here!