May 20, 2009

They Should Be Paying Me . . .

Since I feel strangely compelled to do free advertising for just about anything related to Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga, I think it's about time I got paid some royalty fees, don't you? Okay, that's not going to happen. What is going to happen, however, is the movie New Moon. It's coming out in November, which will be just about the time I'm able to emerge from my baby induced, sleep deprived coma, come to grips with my new life and leave my baby for two hours to catch a good chick flick.

After seeing this new poster for the movie, I'm thinking werewolves have never looked so good. Who's in?


Kasey said...

Well, everyone has said, read the books 1st. I watched the movie and thought it was okay. I'm reading Chronicles of Narnia right now, but I'm getting kinda bored b/c I've read them before. Probably a sign I should switch over to Twilight!!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I just had the BEST idea!! I think if my husband is home, I'm jumping on an airplane to go see it with you.

Watcha think?

Suzanne C said...

Vampires and Werewolves! Oh, my! I can hardly wait. "Little" Jacob sure did grow up since they did the last one. Did your kids ever see "The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl"? Awesome movie for kids. Taylor Lautner was in that one as Shark Boy.

Emily said...

Can't Wait!

Apis Melliflora said...

I'll be in the theaters at midnight on a chilly November eve somewhere, howling away with the rest of you.

Tobi said...

-Kasey, yes you need to switch and read Twilight POSTHASTE!

I wish I could see it with you Sam! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!

The Queen Vee said...

Edward, it's all about Edward!

Susan said...

You know I will be there with you to see New Moon!!!!