May 17, 2009

Sunday @ 1:00 . . .

Everyone showered and dressed for church - check. A gourmet lunch of sandwiches, bananas, string cheese and milk ready to eat - check. Three freckle faced children seated and impatiently waiting to pray over their food - check. One pregnant mom with a rumbling hungry stomach - check. And a Hubby who is way too excited about his turkey and avocado on wheat - check.

Now you know what 1:00 on a Sunday afternoon looks like at our house.
(Please click on photo to get a close-up of the Hubby's insane face. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.)


The Queen Vee said...

Having arrived home from church by noon you can usually find me at 1:00 up in my bed reading the newspaper and then taking a wee nap. Of course that will change next year.

Apis Melliflora said...

That is a great face on the Hubby. Enthusiasm for food is an admirable quality in a husband. For healthy food...even better!

Craig and Jessica Smith said...

I love your Sunday pics Sam! They are the best. You look beautiful and I can't wait to see what this new little boy will look like!