May 1, 2009

An Open Letter . . .

Dear Robin,

I went out to check on the progress of your little bird family this afternoon and found this. As my heart sank, my mouth uttered the words "Oh No!"

I am sad. I am confused. I am upset. And now I am investigating the disappearance of your unborn offspring.

I just saw you sitting there as still as a statue yesterday afternoon. Where did you go? Who took your babies? I know it wasn't you - because you don't have hands capable of the job. You thought you were safe there in the holly tree with its thorny leaves and ideal location out of the wind's way.

Who would crawl into a spiky holly bush to eat a few eggs? I know the squirrels aren't dumb enough to do that. Besides, there is no evidence of disruption to the nest. There is not a sign of broken shells anywhere. My thoughts are on a hawk we see occasionally sitting on our fence or a stinkin' cat who roams the neighborhood causing general trouble. (sorry to offend any cat lovers out there - but I'm a hater.)

I'm sorry momma Robin. I'm sorry our tree didn't work out for you. I'm sorry we didn't get to enjoy another spring of hatchlings tweeting wildly in the morning for breakfast. And I'm sorry you did all that work and didn't get to see the fruit of your labor or receive just appreciation for all your efforts. In that way, I can totally relate!

Thank you for letting me take a picture of your creation. Come back again next year and try once more.


ps. Do you mind if I keep your vacated nest as a little memento of our all-to-brief relationship?
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squeezeme said...

Oh, oh, oh. I am so sad too. I am certain momma robin will be flattered if you display her nest in your beautiful home.

The Queen Vee said...

So sad, looks a bit like my nest although I'm luckier than mama robin. My little chicklets fly home every so often.

TracieCarter said...

Oh dear! I was hoping your birdy family wouldn't suffer the same fate ours did! I was amazed how truly sad it made me personally! Better luck for us all next year!

Emily said...

Oh how sad! Those eggs were so beautiful. Better luck next time.

Apis Melliflora said...

Nature isn't always pretty. The nest is still beautiful, but it is a lonely sight.

Lori Gerten said...

That post was very sad!!

Tobi said...

What a bummer! But a good mystery. It makes me so curious! What happened to those perfect blue eggs??