April 30, 2009

My Other Dream Job . . .

I mentioned once that my dream job would be to make invitations for kids birthday parties. It's actually not just kid's party invitations, but stationary in general, or anything that involves graphic design that I love to do. I just finished making invitations for a friend who's hosting a baby shower and they turned out pretty great.

One of my other dream jobs would be to be a professional organizer. You know, like the kind of people you see in shows on HGTV, TLC and the Style Network. People who actually go to other's houses and tell them how to get rid of junk and organize the stuff they keep. I would LOVE that job!

I just spent an hour and a half at the church today going through the closet that we use to store stuff for our Young Women's organization. It was a crazy, crammed, disgusting mess of papers, books, smelly fabrics and dried up craft paint. Two full garbage sacks later, I stood before a very clutter free closet feeling quite happy. I'm pretty sure I'm weird, but I have been doing this with my own closets since I was in grade school. There is something satisfying to me in cleaning out a closet - and satisfying in knowing it will get messy and I'll get to do it all again. (please don't stop reading my blog because of this strange confession.)

On to the purpose of this post. For a week now, I have been holed up for at least an hour each day in this closet in our guest room that has become the catch all for seasonal decor, crafting supplies, office essentials and at times my never ending bucket of ironing. I hate this closet. It is not my friend. I am having a very hard time conquering it. It is a sad excuse for an actual home office, which unfortunately, I do not have. I am still not finished, and find myself creating a bigger mess each day, which is causing a problem for this pregnant lady to squish her body around!

In a desperate attempt to inspire myself this afternoon, I decided to look around for a few home offices that inspire me. I thought I'd share my finds with you and then get back downstairs and tackle that closet once and for all! My need to nest must be satiated.

You'll see that my favorite office all share some similarities - the primary one being a clean, crisp, CLUTTER FREE environment. Enjoy.


Natalie Meester said...

so clean and crisp you are right!

I love them all!

west wind said...

I like the third from the top the best. I always need to look out a window..ah, well, I'm procrastinating writing a book chapter tonight. Will be up until the wee hours. It's very dark outside my office window right now! Less distractions.

Burton's blog said...

It just so happens that I am in need of professional organization myself. Your hired! Just let me know when you can start!

jd said...

I would like all of those, please. How do you even decide?? And by the way, I was jealous of your little corner craft closet.

The Queen Vee said...

You, Apis and Audrey could put a company together. The three of you are organizational wizards.

NovelTeaMommy said...

I would take any of them. I love an organized home. Unfortunatley, the thought of the actual process is so horrifying (sp?) that it is forever before I get something done. I would gladly welcome you into my home to take on it's madness!

Apis Melliflora said...

I would hire you...maybe I will hire you.=)

Love every single one of those wall units. All those little baskets and push pins and creative storage solutions make my heart beat faster.

Can one lay claim to "organization" as a hobby?

Susan said...

I really like the 2nd and 4th home offices. I think you should start your own business with either the organizing or the invitations or both. You would be great!