April 16, 2009

I Have A Crush On A Scottish Woman . . .

It's no secret that I'm a big fan of the show American Idol. For seven seasons now I have watched as bad singers get whittled down to decent singers, get pared down to really great singers, until only one is left standing with the hope of a decent recording career in their future.

The show's draw increased exponentially for me once I got Tivo and could forward through commercials, cheesy interviews, group numbers, a particularly painful song choice and Paula Abdul acting like a complete idiot week after week. The one thing I never, ever skip though is Simon Cowell's remarks because he is the only one who says it like it is (and because I want to see what version of black or grey cashmere he's wearing this week and hear him totally diss on Paula).

When my mom mentioned a clip from "Britain's Got Talent" (the sister show to America's Got Talent with crazy hairy David Hasselhof as a judge) had rocked her world yesterday, I decided to give it a go - ooh, look, I just threw in a little British catch phrase! After watching it, and my favorite snarky Simon Cowell gazing adoringly at it's subject, I was completely smitten and totally CRYING.

Please give Susan Boyle a minute of your time by watching her performance. I promise, she will absolutely make your day - whilst giving you a quick lesson on not judging a book by its cover. I hope a recording contract is in her future. (click on link below)

And if you're wondering, my voting record (I'm a finale voter only) is: Kelly Clarkson - yes, Reuben Studdard - no, Fantasia Barrino - no, Carrie Underwood - yes, Taylor Hicks - a thousand times no, Jordan Sparks - yes, David Cook - no (I voted for the other David).


Kasey said...

Wow, she is amazing. Thanks for posting that clip.

The Queen Vee said...

Nice article on Susan in the Washington Post today at:

That's one long URL!

May Susan Boyle have happiness and success without it changing who she really is.

NovelTeaMommy said...

WOW. Absolutely amazing! Thanks for sharing, I'm going to have to pass that on.

Tobi said...

Okay I've heard A LOT about Miss Susan Boyle but I never took the time to watch her clip. Thanks for posting this. She's a great singer and I wish her success in singing career.

west wind said...

People don't often get tears of joy in their eyes at work. Today, it was tears all around!

Apis Melliflora said...

I can't get enough of this clip. Watched it atleast 7 times in the last 2 days. A huge sweep of emotion in that auditorium, simply glorious. Go Susan! We'll dream with you!

Lori Gerten said...

oooh! Goosebumps!

Susan said...

She is amazing! Christina had told me about her and I watched the clip!