August 5, 2008

It Makes Me Wonder . . .

The scarcity of posts on Compound Eye in recent weeks are a testimony to the fact that sometimes events occur in life that are just better to be fully experienced mind, body and spirit than to be blogged. So, in lieu of blogging - I have simply been enjoying my life. (And I'm truly not talking about the Vampire book here, although it was really, really great.)

Today I've been thinking a bit about this dynamic duo here. You're totally going to age yourself if you know who they are. And you'll get extra 'retro points' if you know their names - without googling (honor system here, leave their names, without cheating, in the comments.)

They're the Wondertwins - a part of the Superfriends cartoon family that my brother and I watched faithfully on Saturday mornings growing up. I always liked the Wondertwins. Sure, they were no Batman or Superman, but they were real family - a brother and sister who had to work together by touching rings to transform into things that would help save the day in a crisis.

Their battle cry, "Wondertwin powers ACTIVATE!" would set in motion a transformation into some kind of animal (for the girl) and some form of water (for the boy). Then the two would work in harmony to fix a problem with the other Superfriends. They were just a good team.

Am I thinking of these twins because I watch my two oldest children, a boy and girl, fight incessantly day in and day out and wish they could find the harmony of my childhood heroes? Maybe - but I can't set myself up for that kind of failure! Am I thinking of my brother who watched these cartoons with me? Maybe - he and I do get along pretty great, and I have no doubt that we could do some serious crisis intervention, as long as I didn't have to carry him around sloshing in a bucket while I was a giraffe. Actually, I'm just thinking how great it would be to have a Wondertwin that complimented who I already am, but brought totally different talents and abilities to the table. Yeah. That would be extremely cool.

I'd let my twin be the animal transformer, because really, turning into some sort of water is kinda lame. And we would totally have a little purple monkey sidekick named Gleek. That'd be really, really AWESOME.


The Queen Vee said...

Very, very cool. Never give in, never give up ( what movie is that from ) in life... with love, a little magic, and wish all things are possible.... just ask Cinderella!

Hil said...

I knew it was the Wondertwins but have NO idea what their names are... :)

I think I'd love to be the animorph. I've always thought being a bird or a horse would be amazing. Off to google and find out now!

Susan said...

I loved watching this show as well. I think the one's name is Zen or Zan something like that, not sure of the other one's name. I just soooo dated myself.

Apis Melliflora said...

J: in the form of a crime fighting sheep!
Z: in the form of water from the Jordan!

Water is totally not lame!

Very inspired blog...I'm feeling the power.

queenie said...

Is it Zana and Jade? It's the childrens' fault....they made me insane!

Jodie said...

If you figure out how to stop the fighting, PLEASE inform me. My saving grace right now, school starts in 4 days

Tobi said...

Letter to the Editor-

How have we offended thee? Not enough comments? Too much praise? You feel unequal to the task of more blogging?

Please don't stop now. WE need you! You bring balance to the blogging universe.

With sincere regards and respect,
Tobi (your hopelessly devoted to you...reader)

Rachael said...

I LOVED Zan and Jayna (child of the [ahem] early 70's here - no need to look up!). Perhaps I could find Superfriends reruns, strap my children into chairs with their eyes propped open, and make them watch. Or...maybe that would make me a villain. Hmmmm.
In fact, Jon and I do a great wonder twins impression.

Big Toe Mom said...

oh my gosh! i soooo loved that show. i even bought rings for me and my brother(s) but alas i did forget their names. so what are they??? (and yes i feel sooo old.)
lol! have a great day! and thanks for the memory-