August 14, 2008

I said I'd NEVER do this . . .

Today when you read my blog you are going to be barraged with music. Of my choosing. That you may not want to listen to.

Yeah, I'm sorry about that. Except I'm really not. I've just got some songs running through my head right now that remind me of the recent remarkable events of my life, that lift me up and make me feel happy and so very grateful. So I thought I'd share them with you for a time.

Please feel free to scroll to the bottom of the blog and click on the stop button if you don't care to enjoy the songs I've chosen. Or you can listen and think about someone you love and let the music move you to act. That's what I'm going to imagine you all doing.

Stay tuned - tomorrow I am going to share with you one of my most prized possessions and the reason I own it. It will be hilarious to see . . .


Apis Melliflora said...

Never say never...because you jinx yourself and it always ends up happening.

That said, I will never, ever eat at a five star restaurant overlooking the Seine. Never.=)

Tobi said...

I'm loving your music choices. I'm glad that you've come over to the music(dark) side of blogging!

The Queen Vee said...

Music speaks to the soul and can express our deepest thoughts and feelings in ways that words sometimes can't