August 14, 2008

Because I Love You (and chocolate with bananas)

Because I love you faithful readers of my silly-little-blog-about-nothing, I am giving you a tiny little slice of chocolaty banana love from my kitchen. Here is a fantastic LOW FAT banana bread recipe that compels me to buy bananas just so I can watch them go bad and make this recipe! Aside: it really was low fat, although I'm pretty sure the addition of the chocolate chips by me pretty much cancels the low out of it all. Oh well! This recipe came to me through my wonderful friend Ronalin Meck. I love her - and not just because she gave me this bread one day. Here it is, now go make yourself some!

Low Fat Banana Bread (with chocolate chips, of course)

1 C applesauce
1 C granulated sugar
2 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
3 mashed ripe bananas
2 C flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 C chopped nuts (optional)
1 C chocolate chips (crucial)

Pour batter into greased and floured loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Eat hot out of the oven so gooey chocolate gets all over your happy face.
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The Queen Vee said...

Didn't get dinner, could eat the whole loaf now. Thank goodness it''s at your house.

Apis Melliflora said...

Is it really even bread? Let's just call it what it is:
Chocolate banana love cake.


The Carlsons said...

Yummy Yummy! I have a recipe very similar to this but you use white and brown sugar! I think you're right about the chocolate chips, a must but not as healthy....yes, a chocolate banana love cake is a better description.

Jodie said...

I am so making this tomorrow with the ripe bananas I've been staring at for the past 2 days! Thanks for the recipe and motivation. I'll report back on the outcome.