July 24, 2008

A Little Ticked Off . . .

Today was the day I was going to declare myself "recovered" from The Trip. Then I was going to sit down and write about the past twelve days while my kids were still asleep at 11:00 AM. (Thank you California Time) I was going to use their jet lag whiplash as my productive mommy time. Yeah, that pretty much didn't happen.

Instead, I took my ten year-old to do this (see above). This is something that no ten year-old should have to do. This is something that I didn't do until I was twenty-four and pregnant with that ten year-old. This is also something that I almost fainted taking a picture of today while my brave, brave ten year-old grinned and took it like a little man.

Tomorrow we'll find out if the brave ten year-old has Lyme Disease. Darn you beautifully wooded areas of Virginia! Darn you deer and ticks! Darn you thick blond hair that hides things so well! Thanks to you, I probably won't get to blog about The Trip tomorrow either!

And from now on I'm giving myself a full week to be declared recovered from any trip I take.
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The Queen Vee said...

Chris you are so good looking and cute. Love the baseball shirt and the smile. No fear for you and hopefully no dear/tick disease for you either.

Yes, Samantha a whole week of recovery is needed from a west coast back to east coast trip. It's the jet lagging baby, it gets ya.

We're really glad to have you back here in this tree and tick infested land of Virginny.

Lori Gerten said...

Rest. It seems obscene that we take a vacation to relax and then come home and we are muy tired!! Oxymoron: Vacation!!

Let us know about the Lymes Disease!

Tobi said...

I believe a vacation is supposed to be exhausting. If you aren't tired then obviously you didn't play hard enough!!

We'll be praying that Chris doesn't have Lyme disease. I know that can be a tough one to beat. I watch too much Mystery Diagnoses.

Hil said...

What a stud! Hopefully the test results will be negative... Positive thoughts coming your way!!

Kernal Ken said...

Dragonflies are stronger and meaner than ticks.

Ticks just "tick you off." Dragonflies kill ticks and then roast them in their oral flames, making tick s'mores.

Lock and load, Dragonfly. You and our own "Ryan Zimmerman" Chris can do it!