June 23, 2008

Time To Reconnect . . .

With the great outdoors, that is.

And while I'm reconnecting with nature, I'll be disconnecting from my life and all electronics as I spend the next four days and nights camping - as in sleeping on the ground in a tent - with thirty young women ages 12 - 17 (and five brave women my age). How crazy fun does that sound? Don't answer that if you are shaking your head right now!

I'll be back on Saturday with stories and pictures to share! It is going to be a BLAST!


Julie said...

Okay was that a true representation of what your Girls Camp location looked like or was it a stock photo of nature??? Cause if that's Girls Camp, I am WAY jealous. Let's just say some of our camp locations here in South Texas have been a little less scenic. (flat ground, scorching heat, fireants, mosquitos.) Crazy that somehow I still love it.

Lori Gerten said...


You are!

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing you. I love reading your blog. Check mine out at amandalnelson.blogspot.com

The Queen Vee said...

Those sure don't look like Maryland Mountains, more like the Rockies or somewhere out west. Still pretty, glad you had so much fun with the girls and camping.