January 8, 2008

Parenting For Life...

It's true what they say, that when you become a parent, you will be one for life. Here's a recent example: I'm almost thirty-five (did I just type that?) and my mom is still able to calm me down when I'm having a little crying fit and my dad can still pull a giggle out of me when I just want to curl up in a ball and sob.

It's been a tough day emotionally at my house - pretrip prep/strees combined with not great news on the cancer front for my dad - and while I boo hooed it up, my mom calmly told me: "It's okay. Today was a bad day. But tomorrow were going to get up and do it again, and it's going to be a good day. We're not crying. We may feel like it, but we're choosing not to cry." Shortly thereafter my dad got on the phone and told me not to cry for him because his doctors basically gave him permission to eat a bucket of fried chicken and a gallon of ice cream for dinner in order to put on some weight.

So thanks Mom, for remaining calm. And thanks Dad for being one of the funniest people I know . . . all the time. You two were just the people I needed to talk to. I love you.

PS. If you hate me in four days because my kiddoes have been hellions for you while I've been living it up in snowy Utah, I am really, truly sorry.


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I live by that adage - "I am choosing not to cry." Sometimes it works better then others. Have fun in Utah!

TracieCarter said...

Ahhh, parents are the best! Have fun in UT and love some snowy mountains for me! We're totally jealous for your childless trip and snowy UT fun you'll have. Live it up! Re-entry may be brutal when ya get back :)

Rachael said...

Your dad is in our prayers... May he enjoy that fried chicken and icecream. Pop in some M&Ms, too. I hope you have a great trip!

Jodie said...

Hey Samantha, Rachael helped me get my blog up a few weeks ago. Your dad and family are all in our prayers. Isn't it comforting that no matter where we are in life, our parents will always be there for us. Great lessons to be learned for when our kids are grown up. You have a great family. Hope you enjoyed your time with your hubby and no kids! Keep in touch. Jodie

Kernal Ken said...

hey sam!

The Queen Vee said...

Hi Sam. This is your mom. I love you.