January 5, 2008

Locks of Luck!

Our sweet Hannah woke up this morning and decided today was the day she was going to have her hair cut off to help make a wig for a woman with cancer. What a brave and generous thing to do Hannah! Especially since you've been growing your hair out for three and a half years! I'm so proud of Hannah - and it makes me want to cry knowing that her beautiful golden locks will go to help someone like my friend Linnea. Way to go Hannah! Enjoy the before and afters . . .

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chelsea said...

how sweet!! she looks so grown up and beautiful with the new do!!

Kernal Ken said...

Hannah, you are a beautiful princess whether your hair is long or shorter. Some lady is going to have your beautiful hair now, lucky her.

Rachael said...

What a sweet girl! What a great girl you're raising.

Susan said...

Hannah, what a wonderful generous act! Your new hair do looks fabulous and the hair you gave will make a beautiful wig for someone. You are such a sweet girl! Way to go Sam and Travis, you guys are awesome parents.

Tobi said...

Hannah you have beautiful hair! I your new haircut. It's so mod!