January 7, 2008

In The Usual Fashion . . .

Why is it that on the day that I have five million things to get done, two of my kids wake up sick? Why is it that these two kids just happen to be the ones who go to school all day, thus enabling me to get said five million things done? Why is it that when I leave the pharmacy, I forget one of the two prescriptions entirely? (Haven't gone back yet.) Why is it that today is the day that both of the two sick kids refuse to actually rest at all, and instead fight constantly, whine frequently and remind me nonstop about how boring being sick is, all while I'm trying patiently to fold six loads of laundry, empty and reload the dishwasher and change sheets on sick people's beds? Why is it that Hannah chooses today to completely explode a bottle of roll-on body glitter all over my bathroom? For a minute, before the yelling, I think she felt like she was in a bit of a fairy wonderland, all glittery and blueberry smelling. I am homebound with a multitude of errands to run, held captive with two sick tweens . . . AAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!

All of these things are happening today because today is the day I need to get ready for my trip with the Hubby out to Utah on Wednesday. In the usual fashion, when a mom tries to prepare ahead of time for an important trip, the very forces of nature will stir up against her, thwarting her efforts and sinking her into a vast pit of "so-far-behind-I'll-never-catch-upedness"! Spread the word . . . I believe I'm living proof.


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I did it Sam, I've read them all(by the way, I had seen your blog before - but I was reading it early on in the 'pre-super cool' days. See 1.6.07 "Vast Thing Called the Blogosphere, you've come a long way baby! You now put other blogging morons to shame!). Unlike you I have nothing else to do today but feel sorry for myself again, so this was a great pick-me-up. Thanks and we miss you. Trent kept coming over and seeing the pictures and telling me he wants to go and play with his friends since it always looks like you guys are having a BLAST!

Dion Seneca said...

Soooo true!!! I believe that another law of the universe when you have kids in the house is the day that you mop the floor somebody spills a drink ALL over it!! Happened to me today, just like it does every single other day that the floor is squeaky clean. Somebody is trying to teach us patience, I believe!

Tobi said...

It must be some kid code that they must get sick right before a big trip. My kids always get sick right before we go on vacation.