October 1, 2015

Dear Son …


Dear Son,

Yesterday, just minutes after you finished your race, Conrad’s mom approached me.  “Are you Chris’ mom?” she said.  I answered yes.

Then out of nowhere, she hugged me!

I’m sure the look of bewilderment on my face caused her to explain further. She told me that two weeks ago, at that impossibly hilly, impossibly hot Oatlands race, her son had collapsed. And you, my son, were there to help him. She said you didn’t leave his side. You rode in the medical vehicle with him. You stayed with him as the medics helped him.

She was so grateful. She said your presence was such a comfort to Conrad and to her.  Then she congratulated me on doing such a good job raising such a compassionate, kind son. She may have even said something about you being “at the next level” when it comes to teenagers.

I have to admit, as a mother, hearing something like this is akin to getting a huge bonus at an incredibly tough job. But I need you to know that I immediately checked myself and told her that everything she told me is just who you are. It has nothing to do with me.

You are a really wonderful person. I am in awe of all that you do and who you have become.

Best of all, you didn’t come home from the race and tell us that you were so helpful to Conrad. You just did it and moved on without thought of reward or praise.

So, son, even though yesterday was your best showing at a race all season long and I was screaming your name as you crossed the line, the thing that made me proudest is learning that you helped another human being in a time of need. That is winning.

I love you. Keep on running!



  1. Love that boy/man. What a sweet blog post....remember it when next he acts more like boy than man. He's doing amazing and great things because in many ways he is amazing and great...he's had lots of support, love, guidence and help to become amazing nda great....sorry,I don't agree with you, you and Travis deserve credit because you are amazing and great parents.

  2. Wow! That was so awesome of your son, I agree with your mom, obviously you and your husband are doing a great job!

  3. On the heals of the Pope's visit, his message focused on family and how the little things that we do at home help create kind, loving, giving humans we send out into the world. Nice job Lee Family...an amazing example of what matters most.

  4. I so agree so wholeheartedly with all the comments thus far. He is amazing and so are his parents, grandparents and all who has mentored this young man. Job well done!!

  5. A wonderful payday, for sure! Plus, Chris is totally rockin' that yellow sweatband.

  6. Way to go Chris!!! You are awesome and do awesome things.

  7. He is "on the next level" and I'd venture to say it has a teensy little bit of something having to do with you and the hubby. But yes, he has some God-given gifts that he uses when called upon that make him a wonderful friend!


Because of you, I'm no longer having a conversation with myself!